Oilfield Abbreviations is a mobile application designed for oilfield people. It allows you to easily search for a list of acronyms about oil & gas exploration and production.
Its a great tool for your reference.
The app is free and it includes following features:
-Search for a full name or abbreviation of terminologies used in the oilfield industry
-Copy either full name or abbreviation
-Works offline - no need for an internet connection
Examples include:
AIT - array induction tool
BOEPD - barrel(s) of oil equivalent per day
BOB - back on bottom
BSML - below sea mean level
DD - directional driller or directional drilling
DR - drilling report
EMW - equivalent mud weight
FPIT - free-point indicator tool
KOP - kick-off point / kick off plug
MMbd - million barrels per day
MMbod - million barrels of oil per day
MMboe - million barrels of oil equivalent
MMboed - million barrels of oil equivalent per day
MMbpd - million barrels per day
PBTD - plug back total depth
RIH - run in hole
SICP - shut-in casing pressure
SIDPP - shut-in drill pipe pressure
TVDSS - true vertical depth sub sea
WBM - water-based (drilling) mud
ZOI - zone of interest